Forms & Applications
AUTOPAY: To pay your water bills, please use AutoPay: AutoPay application
With AutoPay, you authorize us to prepare for you a one-time virtual check in the amount of each water bill. On the payment due date, as indicated on your water bill, the amount you owe is paid electronically from your bank account using the same ACH interbanking system that transfers funds when the bank processes a paper check that you have written.
SERVICE DISCONTINUATION POLICY: The following provisions constitute the District’s policy on discontinuation of residential water service for nonpayment, pursuant to Sec. 116906 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California:
Inverness PUD Service Discontinuation Policy.pdfLIFELINE PARTICIPATION: The District encourages those customers with financial difficulties to apply for LifeLine rates to help them meet their financial obligations.
Lifeline participation criteria.pdf