Fire Wise Inverness Annual Re-Certification

Dear Community Member,
Fire Wise Inverness is a project of the Inverness Foundation, and relies on volunteer efforts to improve fire resilience. The Inverness Public Utility District is assisting Fire Wise Inverness with this request for your help.
For Fire Wise Inverness to be recertified as a Fire Safe Community for 2024, they need to demonstrate that individual property owners are doing what they can to reduce fire danger. Fire Wise Inverness must provide information about volunteer hours spent and funds spent to reduce fire danger. With this documentation, it supports their ongoing mission to improve our community’s ability to withstand wildfire with defensible space and mitigation efforts on properties. This certification has been able to provide some homeowner insurance premium reductions and ensures a safer environment.
How you can help:
Please send an email to describing how many hours and how much money your family spent reducing fire danger on your property. Please reply as soon as possible, (Before November 14) since Fire Wise Inverness must submit its recertification application by November 15.
Eligible efforts and expenditures include any of the following:
- Replacing vents with more fire proof vents
- Making your roof more fire safe
- Replacing decks with more fireproof material
- Ember cap over chimney
- Cleaning out gutters to prepare for fire season
- Creating a water supply which can be used to fight fires
- Removing vegetation to improve defensible space
- Replacing shingle or other flammable siding with more fire-resistant siding
- Removing dead trees
- Replacing invasive and other flammable plants with more fire-resistant plantings
- Any other activities or expenditures to improve the fire safety of your property
The information you send to Fire Wise Inverness will be strictly confidential, and not shared with anyone. All the information you provide will be compiled into total volunteer hours and total expenditures, and used to recertify Fire Wise Inverness with the National Fire Wise Council.
Thanks for helping to keep Inverness Safe.
Shelley Redding
General Manager
Inverness Public Utility District